Legal assistance within the deportation from Turkey

Under which conditions are foreigners can be deported from turkey?

Below, there is information on violations and reasons for the deportation of foreigners from Turkey. According to the law “International protection of the rights of foreigners” article number 54. A foreign citizen can be deported from the country in the following situations:

1.In case of committing a crime for which punishment is deportation from Turkey.
2. Leaders, members or supporters of a terrorist or criminal organization for the purpose of making a profit.
3. Submission of false documentation when entering Turkey or applying for a visa, residence permit.
4. When receiving means of subsistence in an illegal way, while staying in the country.
5. A person who poses a threat to public order, public safety or public health.
6. A person whose visa or visa-free travel period has expired and exceeds ten days, or visa has been cancelled.
7. In case if the residence permit in Turkey has been cancelled.
8. Persons who work without a work permit in Turkey.
9. In case illegal entry or exit from Turkey or Turkey
10. Despite the prohibition on entering Turkey, when trying to enter the country.
11. In case if application for international protection is rejected, the international protection status has expired or cancelled
12. In case the application for the extension of the residence permit is rejected and the person does not leave Turkey within ten days.

Who is not covered by the deportation order?

In relation to the following law, a deportation cannot be applied to:

If, in the country to which the foreigner will be deported, there are serious grounds for believing that they will be subjected to the death penalty, torture, inhuman or degrading punishment or treatment.

Persons at risk of deportation due to serious health problems, age or pregnancy
If in the country where the foreigner will be deported there is no opportunity to continue treatment for life-threatening diseases.
Victims of trafficking who are in protection programs.

Until the completion of treatment for victims of psychological, physical or sexual abuse.

If the situations in question are terminated, a decision may be made to deport foreigners.

An immigration attorney can file a claim against a deportation decision within fifteen days of being notified of the decision. If case is opened, the foreigner will not be deported until the end of the trial, except for those who are associated with a terrorist organization, violate public order and whose application for international protection has been rejected. You can contact our immigration lawyer in Turkey for a free consultation by phone, online consultation or in person at our office in Turkey, Alanya.

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